5 Campus Hiring Trends Which Will Dominate 2020
With an increasing demand for young talent, campus hiring has become more competitive. The aim is to strategize a plan to transform along with the changing trends in the recruitment industry. Integrating these trends will not only help you build a progressive campus recruitment program but also attract the right talent in the most effective way. The focus should not be limited to conducting drives, talent optimization and brand recognition – aim for adding value to their experiences.
1. Utility-Proven Workshops
Campus hiring should not be limited to just conducting placement opportunities at the peak time – including beneficial workshops should be the next step to enrich their experience. You can conduct seminars or workshops on resume/cover letter-writing, cracking interviews, communication skills, & career based case-studies. Helping students build their professional skills will not only put your company in a good light but will also help you score more referrals from them. Young talent is always in the search of guidance, use this as an opportunity to engage them.
2. Incorporating Mobile Technology & Social Media
The Gen Z survives on mobile technology to consume content and search for jobs, take that to your advantage. Make your application process mobile-friendly to foster a hassle-free experience for campus students. Integrating mobile technology comes in hand with marking your presence on social media channels. Use the top platforms to create your presence and update the students with campus placement related information. It can also be used for:
– Answering real-time queries from students
– Announce recruitment drive dates & new job opportunities
– Engage them with videos, campaigns, quizzes to show off your employee branding.
3. Integrating AI To Screen Campus Applications
Gone are the days when screening applications was a manual task. One thing that will dominate any recruitment strategy in the coming year would be Artificial Intelligence (AI). It allows you to automate your recruitment and selection processes easily by using algorithms and analytics. Use this to your benefit to group individuals on the ground of their academic scores, highlight applications from targeted campuses and find students with the matching skill-set mentioned in the job description. Make smarter decisions with AI!
4. Convert Interns Hired From Campuses Into Employees
Just a round of interviews might not be sufficient to find the right candidates from campus. Hire full-time interns to see them work in a real work environment and analyze their skills eventually to recruit an efficient and driven candidate. Running Campus Ambassadors Programs will continue being a hit, use this medium to find your interns. Assess them through different parameters like participation initiative, contribution to the organization, multitasking abilities, role as a team player and enthusiasm.
5.Off-Campus Strategies Will Be A Huge Hit
Regular lectures and extracurricular activities leave hardly any time for students to focus on new opportunities. Make it easier for them by holding webinars, shortlist candidates through video interviews, conduct online gamified assessments and so on. You can also introduce informative video sessions to engage them without traveling to campus. Similarly, they can also stay updated without being present for in-person events. A virtual campus recruitment strategy is definitely a game-changer for companies and candidates as well. Those days are not behind when virtual training will start taking place before joining.